Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Our service project to show love

Happy Cold Day!! I hope this blog finds you all warm and well fed!

Your Sunday School students are learning about what Jesus went through to show his love for us in the stories having to do with his death and resurrection.

From now until the Wednesday before Valentine's Day, Sunday School will be collecting non-perishable items for Zion's own food pantry and to give to community food banks. With weather like this and other challenges rising for families and the elderly, we want to show love to our community by giving to those who have need. It is evidence of our faith and love for Jesus to have love for those around us!

There are large, heart decorated collection boxes by each church door and I would encourage you to let your students pick out some donations!

Thank you for your support in bringing your children to Sunday School so they can learn more about this God who loves us so much!

Zion Sunday School

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Christmas Service

I hope your children have been singing and saying lots of Christmas passages and songs! We have been practicing during Sunday School!

The next two Sundays, December 9th and December 16th, we will meet in a classroom, but then we will spend our Sunday school time in the church running through the Christmas Service. On the 16th, hopefully it will go well and we will have time for a little treat at the end of Sunday School.

Our Christmas service will be Sunday, December 23rd at 10:00am. There is only one service that day. I would like the children there by 9:15 to give one more chance to practice and the first time to practice with our accompaniests since they will have returned from school by that time!

Thank you so much for all the hard work! To God alone be the glory!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Time for Christmas!

Dear Parents,

The lesson your children learned about this Sunday was more of a Lenten lesson than a Christmas lesson. Starting this Sunday, we will be concentrating on Christmas and the Christmas service.

This last week our lesson was about Jesus and his disciples in the upper room. He was sharing the last supper with his disciples. He also washed their feet. Usually the task of foot washing was reserved for the servant. There were no servants there that night, so the lowest on the social scale would be the one to wash feet. Jesus got up, tied a towel around his waist and began to wash the disciples feet. Even though Peter said no, don't wash my feet, Jesus said, If I don't wash your feet, you can have no part of me. Then Peter said, wash all of me! Jesus replied, "Only your feet!" He also shared with the disciples and us this command- Love one another. As I have loved you, you also ought to love one another.

We have the opportunity to show our love for Camp Killarney this Sunday! Bring your baked goods! Anything you'd like- cookies, bars, breads, sweet or savory- bring it to church this Sunday and we will have a bake sale or free will offering to support Camp!

Students in grades 5-7 will continue their study with the movie "To the Ends of the Earth" and practice Christmas with us also! "To the Ends of the Earth" is a movie produced by our church body concerning the work of St. Paul and his missionary trips.

Hope to see you Sunday! Invite your friends!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Jesus, the real miracle worker

Sorry these have turned into every other week blogs, hopefully I'll catch up this week!

The last two weeks your children have heard about the miracles that Jesus performed. He performed these miracles because he had compassion and to witness to the fact that He is God!

The first miracle your children heard about was the story of the paralyzed man. There was a man who was paralyzed and he and four friends were making there way to a house in town where they heard Jesus was preaching. Jesus' reputation preceded him, they had faith that he could make their friend walk again. When they reached the house, it was packed, no room to squeeze in, let alone carry in a man on a mat. So they decided to find another way in, they went to the roof! In those days, roofs were kind of a storage area, crops were laid to dry, things were stored on the flat roof. The friends removed several roof tiles and lowered the man down right in front of Jesus. The first thing Jesus says to the man is, "Be happy, your sins are forgiven!" The Pharisees grumbled, who does he think he is? Forgiving sins?! Jesus then proved who he is! He said to the man, "Take up your mat and walk." And the man did, just like that! Jesus showed the Pharisees that He Is God! He can forgive sins and he can heal!

Last week we heard the story of the young man from Nain. Jesus was traveling, on his way from Capernaum to another town when he saw a funeral procession coming out of the gate of a small town called Nain. Jesus knew the young man they were carrying was his mother's only son and that she was a widow. He had compassion on her and told her, "Do not weep." He then took the young man by the hand and told him to arise! They were terrified! They had seen a prophet! Jesus reputation was carried far and wide!

Next week, November 18th is the Sunday School Bake Sale in support of Camp Killarney. Any baked good is appreciated- cookies, bars, breads, sweet or savory!

This last week your child should have brought home the passage(s) and songs they will be responsible for at the Christmas service which will be held on Sunday, December 23rd at 10am. Hopefully you can help them along! We will be going through things more and more at Sunday School also!

Have a fantastic couple days! Because I will blog again Sunday or Monday!

Monday, October 22, 2018


Thanks so much for all the wonderful singing yesterday! Everyone did such a fantastic job!! I am so glad that so many people could attend!!

This past week all the stories had to do with the Samaritans!

PreK-4 learned the parable of the good Samaritan.

Jesus told this parable when the Pharisees asked him to define who are neighbor is, so they could correctly follow the commandment "Love your neighbor as yourself"

Jesus told the story of a Jewish man who was on his way to Jericho and was attacked, robbed, beaten and left for dead on the side of the road.
 A priest walked by and not wanting to make himself unclean, did not offer any help at all to the man. In fact, he crossed the road so he didn't even walk near him.
Then a Levite walked by, one of the traditional helpers at the temple. He too, walked by on the other side of the road.
Then a Samaritan walked by. He stopped to help the man, got him cleaned up, put him on his horse, took him to an inn, gave money for his care and then went on his way.
Who was the neighbor? The Samaritan, obviously. Those listening to Jesus knew the context- the Jews and Samaritans couldn't stand each other. They would never actually be neighbors, as we might think of it. But a man stopped to help another man, not caring who he was, what nationality, what language he spoke, whether he deserved help or not. We are to go and do likewise.

The 5-7 graders talked about the Samaritan woman at the well whom Jesus shared the message with. She also was not a "good" person. She was a Samaritan, she'd been married multiple times and the man she was living with was not her husband. Yet this is who Jesus shared the Good News with. In 5-7 grade they are talking with sharing the Good News with others who are not like us. We also watched a video called "Vanishing Grace" that talked about how the world sees Christians- not so much like Christ, more like Pharisees. How can we share the wonderful news of salvation and forgiveness with a broken world who God loves? Another church shared this quote, "You will never look into the eyes of someone God does not love."

In November our act of love will be preparing baked goods to sell the Sunday before Thanksgiving- November 18- to benefit Camp Killarney.

See you this Sunday! Invite a friend!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Job, Anna and Simeon-Waiting...

Dear Sunday School Parents,

I'm sorry there wasn't a blog last week! Getting ready to leave for teacher's conference kept my mind occupied!

This week we hear about the stories from the last two weeks-

Job and Anna and Simeon- all waiting

Job is a hard story to understand at times. Job is a man of great faith- God himself says so! The devil disagrees, he thinks Job only believes because his life is good, lots of kids, lots of wealth, lots of everything- God had really blessed him. So the devil proposes a test to God- let's see if Job still believes if we take all he has away. God allows this test. So in one terrible day, Job's livelihood of flocks and herds is stolen or destroyed. His children are killed in a freak windstorm that collapses the home where they all happen to be. Job is left childless and destitute. His response is "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. May the name of the Lord be praised."

That is not what the devil expected to hear! He gives God another test to try- let's make Job sick in his own body. So God allows Job to be sick, covered in boils from head to toe, he sits in torn rags in the ash heap, scraping his sores and miserable. Three 'friends' come to give him advice- you must have done something wrong, Job! His wife says, "Curse God and die!" But Job remains faithful, even though he starts to question God.

God answers- Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Made the huge animals, brought up the waters of the deep? Do you know the future?

Job quickly realizes, he has no answers. He takes comfort in the fact that God is God- I know that my Redeemer lives and that even though I die, yet in my flesh I will see God!

God restores Job to his former wealth, gives him more children and Job waits for that day when he will see God face to face.

Anna and Simeon have been waiting! Not as long as Job, but they have been waiting in the temple in Jerusalem for the Savior to make His appearance. And He does!!

Jesus. Mary and Joseph come to the temple to present Jesus to the religious authorities and give their required offering for the birth of a child. Anna and Simeon see them and we hear Simeon say something so familiar- Lord, let your servant depart in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation which you have promised to your people, Israel. A light to light the way for the Gentiles and the glory of your people, Israel.

Now we wait for his return! Come, Lord Jesus! Amen

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Pieces of God's puzzle

This week's Sunday School session began with everyone getting a piece or two of a large floor puzzle. We put it together as a group, no one knew for sure where their piece went, we knew the picture was of a fire truck, we struggled a little but we made the pieces fit!

How similar to the story of Queen Esther. She was an important  part of God's puzzle, keeping His people safe in captivity so they would be able to return to their homeland and Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. God gave His Word through prophets what the end of the puzzle would look like, but only God could see how to get from Persian captivity to a child in an manger. Esther was put in a prominent position, queen of Persia. Her people were in danger because of a jealous man named Haman. Her cousin Mordecai asked her to put her life on the line to save her people and she agreed. The Jews were warned about the order to kill them and they could fight back! God's people were preserved!

Talk to your children about where we fit in God's puzzle! We know why we are here- to bring glory to God and to serve others. How are we doing that right where we are at this moment?

I can't wait to see the finished puzzle on Judgement Day!

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1Corinthians 13:12

Our service project to show love

Happy Cold Day!! I hope this blog finds you all warm and well fed! Your Sunday School students are learning about what Jesus went through ...